Noah Project offers crisis intervention services to anyone experiencing domestic violence or intimate partner violence, including:

Long-Term Recovery

Recovering from domestic violence is a long-term process. Once a client has established their immediate safety, we can begin the process of empowering a victim to become a survivor and live independently through these resources:

My Child Needs Help

Noah Project has tailored services for children who have experienced domestic violence in their families:

Do I Need Help?

Domestic violence can take many forms. If you are experiencing any of these situations, call Noah Project at (325) 676-7107.

Threats, Coercion, or Intimidation

Physical abuse is more than just hitting. It may also involve:

Emotional Abuse

Emotional abuse can be very damaging. It’s difficult to identify, but usually involves repeated words and actions intended to hurt or humiliate you in front of others, such as:

Economic Abuse

Economic abuse is about more than just money. Economic abuse involves cutting off or limiting your money, but it also includes any time your partner keeps you away from the things you need to be successful. Economic abuse could be:

Minimizing, Denying, & Blaming

Abusers don’t want to admit to their wrongdoing. Instead they will:

Isolation & Social Deprivation

Keeping you away from your friends is not okay. Cutting someone off from friends and family is very common in abusive relationships. Your partner should not:

Using Children

Abusers often use children as leverage to get what they want. They might:

Male Privilege

In cases where the abuser is male and the victim is female, the abuser will use his gender as a weapon by:

I Know Someone Who Needs Help

If you know someone experiencing any form of domestic violence, encourage them to call Noah Project. Only the victim can make a report and seek services. 

Believe Them

Many survivors fear seeking help because they have been told by their abuser that nobody will believe them. If you know a survivor, listen to their needs, and communicate your support.

Validate Them

Validate their feelings about the experience. Violence is not normal.

Be Trauma-Informed

Understand that each person responds to a traumatic situation differently. Never tell someone they are overreacting or to ‘just get over it.’

Support Making Their Own Decisions

Survivors have the right to make their own choices about their safety and the safety of their children.

Know Where To Refer For Help

If a survivor needs assistance, you can help inform them of resources.

I Want More Information

These national organizations offer additional resources and information on dating violence:

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