Empowering victims to become survivors, and working to end domestic violence and sexual assault.
We offer shelter and outreach support services to women, men, their children and unaccompanied youth who are victims of family violence, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
- Shelter
- Food & Clothing
- Legal Advocacy
- Transportation / Accompaniment
- Safety Planning
- Crisis Counseling
- Medical & Individual Advocacy
- Employment Assistance
- Education Support
- Referrals
- Support Groups
- Professional Counseling
Overall Goals of Noah Project
Noah Project is a center of care for victims of family violence, sexual assault, and trafficking. We serve ten counties in West Texas.
To provide quality shelter and support services, under the guidelines of Noah Project, to persons who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
Community education that raises awareness of the issues and solutions to domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
To be an effective advocate in the effort to strengthen laws and policies concerning domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.

Noah Project Historical Milestones
A research team distributes a survey to area hospitals, law enforcement agencies, attorneys, and social service organizations. They discover that more than 1,000 incidents of family violence were reported in a 6-month period.
First shelter opens in Abilene.
Shelter moves to converted single family home at 1802 Grape Street.
Noah Project-North satellite office opens in Haskell, Texas.
New custom-designed facility opens at 5802 Texas Avenue with 64-bed residential shelter and administrative offices.
Residential shelter expands to add 3rd wing of rooms, a crisis hotline office, and update laundry room.
Administration Staff
- Alana Jeter
- Executive Director
- alanaj@noahproject.org
- Sherri Abee
- Administrative Director
- sherria@noahproject.org
- Cyndi Wimberly
- Primary Prevention and BIPP Director
- cynthiaw@noahproject.org
- Kacey Stanfield
- Development Coordinator
- kaceys@noahproject.org
- Rodney Goodman
- Finance Director
- rodneyg@noahproject.org
- Marissa Sullivan
- Advocacy Director
- marissas@noahproject.org
- Cathy Herrera
- Operations Director
- cathyh@noahproject.org
- Emily Elliott
- Shelter Coordinator
- emilye@noahproject.org
- Service Area Outreach
- Serving Haskell, Stonewall, Throckmorton, Knox, and Jones Counties
- Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Crisis Hotline or 800.444.3551
- crisishelp@noahproject.org
Office Location - Haskell County Courthouse
1 Ave. D, #2 | Haskell, TX 79521 - 940.864.2551
Board of Directors
- Luke Palmer
- Chair
- Dason Williams
- Vice-Chair
- Ryan Holmes
- Past Chair
- Leigh Black
- Secretary
- Becky Frost
- Treasurer
- Samantha Baker
- Jan Brady
- Travis Brown
- Delores Cox
- Tim Dickenson
- Moi Garcia
- Andrea Harden-Brown
- Mark Hart
- Tifani Smith
- Tana Kauffman-Hubbard
- Steve Kish
- Deon Lawson
- Kelly McCarty
- Glen Pugh
- Katie Smith
- Susan Stroud
- Sandra Sexton Welling